Oxygen is the third most common element in the universe and makes for more than 20% of Earth's atmosphere. In the human body, oxygen is the most abundant element, comprising more than 65% of body weight. We inhale oxygen every second of every day, and it is essential to the human organism. Health status, activity level and hydration are factors affecting oxygen demand. Without adequate oxygen, health issues are guaranteed. There are many reasons why more oxygen is better. In one study, lab mice who received supplemental oxygen had more T-cells, better immune system and lived twice as long as mice with normal oxygen levels. Oxygen deprivation doesn't need to be sudden, such as choking or drowning, to be a problem. Oxygen deprivation can be a long-term issue, occurring over months or years. The reasons are diverse, typically including air pollution and poor indoor air quality. Health impacts of oxygen deprivation can be serious; it is even associated with tumor growth. Oxygen helps us destroy harmful bacteria in our body without affecting the useful bacteria that we need. All metabolic processes in the body are regulated by oxygen. It helps the brain, keeping it more powerful and capable to process a billion information each second. Oxygen also has an important role in digestion, normal metabolic function, removal of cellular and other metabolic waste.


Important facts:

  • About 90% of energy is supported by oxygen
  • Helps in keeping focus and good memory
  • Strengthens the heart, reducing cardiac arrest risk
  • Stabilizes the nervous system
  • Improves digestion and cell metabolism
  • Boosts physical recovery


airbreath® OXYGEN – USE


Each bottle of airbreath® oxygen contains pure recreational oxygen for energy boost and recovery. Every life situation demands a different level of airbreath® oxygen. Depending on various circumstances, you decide how many breaths of airbreath® oxygen you need. For example, if you feel tired, slow, under strain, jet-lagged, or you just need somefresh air. Every situation requires different amounts, depending on the individual.Your mood, oxygen and energy levels vary daily. Without a pulse oximeter, accurate determination of optimal oxygen levels can be difficult. The following recommendations are here to help you decide on the oxygen amounts you can inhale daily depending on different situations. Each situation requires between 4 and 100 quick breaths of airbreath® oxygen to restore optimal oxygen levels.

  • Morning sluggishness or afternoon sleepiness: 4 to 6+ breaths
  • Stressful day at work or school: 4 to 6+ breaths
  • Stuffy room or polluted air: 12 to 40+ breaths
  • Daily activity in busy traffic areas: 4 to 6+ breaths
  • Long road trip: 40+ breaths during travel
  • Short Fight: 6+ breaths after landing
  • Long international Fight: 40+ breaths after landing
  • Altitudes above 1000 m: 40+ breaths per day, as needed
  • Hiking and cycling at altitudes above 1000 m: 100+ breaths per day, as needed
  • Hiking at altitudes above 3000 m: 6+ breaths every 20 minutes
  • Weight and cardio workouts: 12+ breaths before workout
  • High-intensity exercises and trainings: 12+ breaths after trainingLate-night party: 15+ breaths before bed
  • Morning after a night of partying: 40 to 100+ breaths House activity: 4 to 6+ breaths
  • Lack of energy or mental weakness: 4 to 6+ breaths


Usage guidelines may vary depending on the individual, local air and activity level. airbreath® oxygen is intended solely for recreational, occasional use and must not be used for medical or healing purposes.
Persons with any type of health condition should consult a physician before using airbreath® oxygen.

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airbreath® OXYGEN

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